Every parent wants their child to develop in the best way possible, from their physical (biological), psychological, and emotional development.
In this digital era, we at Plano understand that there are a multitude of factors that may affect your child’s development. These factors include their interactions with their peers (both online and offline), the content that they are exposed to, the lifestyle and behaviour changes that occur due to the digitalisation of their environment, and many other factors.
For example, excessive screen time has been linked to eye health problems in children, especially during their early development stages. The ability of the eye to focus on distant objects develops well into teenagerhood and requires extended periods of time outdoors looking at distant objects. When young children spend too much time indoors and staring at near objects, this process may sometimes be disrupted, increasing the risk of a common eye condition known as short-sightedness or myopia.
Long periods of sedentary behaviour may also negatively impact their physical development as they spend high amounts of time being inactive. Additionally, the lack of interaction resulting from these sedentary behaviours may also lead to difficulties in forming relationships with their peers.
Research has also shown that the type of content that young children are exposed to may affect their psychological development and learning capabilities. This is because children tend to observe and imitate behaviours from external sources, including their parents, especially during their early childhood years.
High amounts of media usage has also been linked to poorer cognitive development, language learning, and social-emotional development. Therefore, experts are calling for more involved and frequent parent-child interactions to better guide children during their early development years.
At Plano, we have conducted extensive research and summarised our findings on all the latest and trusted information from experts to help guide you through your child’s development journey. Read our articles to find out more.
Explore our specifically designed products and services backed by eye health professionals to help keep your children safe online and their eyes healthy.