Tips to help with your 6-month-old sleep schedule 

6 month old sleep schedule and tips 


Your baby, by the 6-month-old mark, is most likely downright cute and endearing with his or her smiles, giggles and babbling. As the character of your baby develops, so do his or her sleep patterns. Here you have some tips to help with your 6-month-old sleep schedule.

6 month old baby sleeping

Bear in mind that as your baby grows, his or her sleep needs are changing. Here’s what you need to know about your 6-month-old baby’s sleep patterns.

How much should a 6-month-old sleep?

Your 6-month-old should sleep for around 15 hours daily, with two or three naps besides the nine to eleven hours of sleep at night. 

If your baby sleeps like a log, let him or her be and all would be calm in your household. That being said, it is to be expected if your 6-month-old’s routine remains unpredictable due to sleep regression. While some babies naturally transition seamlessly from newborn sleep to a more regular sleep pattern, it is not totally surprising when your 6-month-old baby’s sleep schedule remains a conundrum for the adults around. 

Maintain a safe sleep space for your baby

Your baby must have a safe sleep space without the additional pillows or stuffed animals in the crib. Just place a fitted sheet in the crib and lower the crib mattress to the lowest level for maximum comfort. Ensure that your baby’s bedroom exudes a calm atmosphere that promotes sleep [2]. Concentrate on one part of sleep at a time without trying to multitask. If you try to address both your baby’s naps and night sleep simultaneously, your baby would be too fatigued and cranky as a result. 

Start your sleep training for your baby at bedtime because your baby would be most tired during that period and most likely to adhere to alternations in his or her sleep routine. Soothe your baby in the evening with a bedtime routine for his or her body to relax as well as for sleep to slowly come. Some activities, like a bath, massage, feeding, books and lullabies, have been shown to calm babies and prepare them for longer sleep at night.

Has your baby been waking up often during the night?

Ensure that your baby finishes his or her last feeding of the evening before sleeping. Also, ensure that your baby gets sufficient food during the day. If you think your baby can do with eating more, try waking him or her up just before you go to bed for an extra round of feeding to maximize the number of calories he or she consumes during your waking hours. By being well fed, your baby would not have to disrupt your sleep as well as his or hers. However, if your baby persists in waking up, he or she may be looking for soothing or comfort. Therefore, rather than resorting to feeding, show your baby comfort in other ways like patting him or her. 

Moreover, make nighttime or bedtime as “boring” as possible so as to avoid giving your baby the wrong idea that nighttime is “fun time” or “play time” demanding attention. Reduce the amount of lighting in the room or turn them off totally around your baby’s bedtime. Only include soft lullabies around your baby to calm him or her down, instead of more active sing-songs. Avoid doing diaper changes as well as it can be a stressful time for your baby, unless the diaper is particularly dirty and if your baby has allergic skin

Work on your baby’s naps after getting his or her nighttime sleep patterns addressed 

A nap every two to three hours is recommended for your baby. Awake times longer than this can over-tire your baby, making it ironically more challenging for your baby to fall asleep. You may want to adjust awake times for your baby to take longer naps. Ideally, your baby should nap in the crib at home and use familiar sleep props like a tiny pillow to indicate that it is nap time. 

Besides, waking your baby up at the same time each morning helps your baby’s body clock become more predictable. For example, if the baby always wakes up at seven in the morning, then her morning nap should happen around nine to ten o’clock. With a more predictable sleep schedule, it is easier to plan your day. Note down the times your baby naturally wakes for one week. Next, select the time that falls right in the middle of this range as this would be your baby’s new wake up time. 


[1] C. W. E. Maria Masters, “6-month-old baby,” What to Expect, 22-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 07-Sep-2022]. 

[2] J. Blankenship, “Sleep training tips for your 6 month old baby,” Baby Sleep Made Simple, 01-Feb-2022. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 07-Sep-2022]. 



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