How to remove eye bags. | Plano Eye Health

How to remove eye bags

If you’re wondering why you have eye bags or how you can remove them, be rest assured that you’re one of many looking for a fix to improve the appearance of your eyes before they self accessorized with bags! Read on to find out more about temporary and long-lasting solutions on how to remove eye bags.

How to remove eye bags

What causes eye bags?

Here’re some common causes of bags under your eyes:


A poor diet with the consumption of foods high in salt levels can cause water retention and lead to under-eye swelling. 


When exposed to a trigger such as a dusty environment, pollen season, certain medications and/or food, some people may experience an allergic reaction causing and/or exacerbating puffiness under the eyes.


Eye bags can be inherited and if so, tend to be long-term and tricky to resolve.

Medical conditions and/or medications

Certain health conditions such as thyroid or kidney problems can cause the eyes to become swollen. Eye bags may develop as a consequence of consuming certain medications such as stimulants that affect sleep patterns, long-term painkillers or long-term antibiotics. 

Ageing process

The natural ageing process, in which skin and muscles undergo a loss of firmness is the most common cause of eye bags.


A lack of sleep and/or chronic stress are common culprits of developing eye bags.

How developing eye bags

(Source: Sleep Foundation)

Solutions to remove eye bags?

There are various approaches to removing eye bags, depending on the cause. The section below covers temporary and long term solutions.

Surgical options to remove eye bags

A lower eyelid lift or blepharoplasty is a procedure where the surgeon readjusts the fat around the lower eye area and tightens the muscle and skin to restore a smooth appearance. Blepharoplasty is performed by an oculoplastic surgeon (an eye surgeon or ophthalmologist that has undergone specialized training in reconstruction of the functioning of the eye and the facial regions around the eye). The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis.

Non-surgical options to remove eye bags

Here’re some non-surgical options for removing eye bags:

Laser resurfacing 

A laser is used to remove surface layers of wrinkly skin under the eye, stimulating new collagen growth and creating the appearance of firmer skin. After undergoing laser resurfacing, treatment results can last years, depending on sun exposure and skin type.


A filler material, usually hyaluronic acid (jelly-like substance) is injected under the eye and cheek area. The doctor will administer a local anaesthetic before injecting the filler. Results can last between 6 to 12 months.

Chemical peel

A chemical peel involves removing superficial top layers of the skin. The doctor will apply a chemical solution which dissolves old skin cells revealing tighter and brighter skin. After undergoing a chemical peel, treatment results can last years, depending on sun exposure and skin type. 

Home remedies to remove eye bags

Home remedies can temporarily improve the appearance of eye bags and results vary between individuals depending on the cause, skin type and severity of eye bags.

Cold compress

You can try using an ice pack, chilled cucumber slices, refrigerated spoons or chilled tea bags for a few minutes, over closed eyes. A cooler temperature around the eyelid area can improve circulation, reducing inflammation and swelling.

It is important that you maintain hygiene while applying anything over the eyes. Wash your hands before starting and ensure the product applied is clean to prevent any eye infections.


A vasoconstrictor (shrinks blood vessels) in nature, caffeine is used in cosmetic eye creams to reduce the appearance of eye bags.

Maintaining a healthy diet

Drink plenty of water and control salt intake to maintain your general health and reduce the appearance of puffy eyes or eye bags.

The good news is, that while they can be bothersome, bags under your eyes do not usually impact vision. They can however indicate underlying health concerns and it’s best to visit your eye care professional and/or primary care doctor if you are concerned about this.


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